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29 avril 2009


The Poor Law Amendment Act (PLAA) was introduced in 1834, centralising the poor relief administrative system. Previously poor relief had been largely based on the parish. Expenditure had risen during the Napoleonic Wars and local rate payers and authorities decided that looking after paupers was too costly.

When the PLAA was passed parishes were to be grouped into "unions", managed by boards of guardians who were elected by their constituent parish ratepayers. The new poor law unions were to report to the Poor Law Commissioners, based in Somerset House in London. Assistant Commissioners (later known as Poor Law Inspectors) were allocated a geographical area in which they were to set up, supervise and inspect the unions within it.

The new system was expected to reduce expenditure, using a harsh and deterrent workhouse test. Claimants would be "offered the house" but if they turned it down then the legal obligation to offer relief had been met.

C'est une institution qui a été créé en Angleterre au 19eme siècle pour aider les plus démunis. Un endroit où les pauvres pouvait travailler en échange de l'alimentation et d'en être pension mais le confort n'était pas présent bien au contraire; ces lieus se sont transformés en institution de terreur ou les personnes ont été durement traité. Le foyer a servi d'une force de dissuasion à être pauvre.

9 mars 2009



The girl name is Estelle. She is waiting for her friends to go to Miami for the holidays. Estelle is anxious because she hasn't got any from her friends since two hours.She spots that people are more and more scarce in the street. The woman spins round and she realizes she's alone. Estelle is ill' at ease because the fog is beginning to be thick. It was pitch dark. A threatening noise is ringing out, the girl is frightened. Odd creatures with three heads, six arms appear. They shieh  bursts all the windows in the street, their shinny eyes afar at Estelle. She runs home.
In her house, she hears shutters hurt and scream, she sees shadows. The girl tries to hide from them hunder her bed but she falls down in the strairs. She passes out. When Estelle come to and open her eyes, she is with her friends but they are happy she is quiet. The nurse arrives and explains her friends transport her at hospital because they are very embarassed and apologetic to see her become crazy.
Estelle finally accyts the fact that she has hallucinated and that creaturs were in fact her friends. They tried to help her because she is out of one's mind.

26 février 2009

Edward Hopper

J0001707_1bIssu d'une famille de marchands de l'état de New-YorkNew-York, Edward Hopper est convaincu dès l'âge de 17 ans qu'il sera artiste, au grand dam de ses parents. Élève d'un des pères du réalisme américain, Robert Henri, il dira de ce dernier qu'il 'est le professeur qui [l]'a le plus influencé.' Comme la majorité des jeunes artistes de son époque, Edward Hopper rêve de visiter la France. Avec l'aide de ses parents, il arrive à Paris en 1906 et voyage à Amsterdam, Berlin, Bruxelles et Londres. Il s'installe en 1910 à Greenwich Village; Hopper, malgré son amour du voyage, ne remettra jamais les pieds en Europe. Sa première exposition solo, en 1920 au Whitney Studio Club, est un échec. Sa seconde, une victoire. Toutes ses toiles sont vendues. Ses peintures combinent au premier abord des qualités incompatibles : modernes quant à leur sévérité et leur simplicité, l'on y retrouve malgré tout la nostalgie de l'ancienne Amérique puritaine. Sa toile la plus célèbre est incontestablement 'NighthawksNighthawks' : une rue vide, la nuit. Notre regard est porté à l'intérieur d'un bar. Trois personnages y sont attablés. Il ne semble y avoir aucune interaction entre eux. Ils incarnent en quelque sorte l'isolation et la solitude du désert urbain. Edward Hopper est sans conteste le plus illustre des peintres américains de l'entre-deux-guerres.

17 février 2009

A walk to remember


A walk to remenber produced by Denise Dinovi.

       This film is wonderful. It shows the reality life.

       The love of Jamie and Landon does dream (malgré la maladie).

     Landon Carton was popular in the school but he threatened expulsion if would work and participate after school activities and room of theatre because the boy was rebellious. He met Jamie. They had very different: their differing social statures left them worlds apart, despited their close physical proximity. She coaxed Landon suceed, but il didn't want revelation this friendship. Landon seed he fell in love de Jamie. He did everything to be her boyfriend. Their history was passionate and their love was huge but people tryed destroy it. Jamie finally told Landon that she had terminal leukemia. Landon gets upset at first but he help Jamie, he helped her as never. Jamie's cancer aggravated. The lovers married and Jamie died three months later.

11 février 2009

Harold Crick


Descript scene:

The sky is fainthly lit. The scene taking place in the morning. Firty, we can see a man sleeping. It's Harold Crick. His alarm clock rings. The man in waking up, he's going to stop the alarm clock. Next, the brushed one's teeth with his toothbrush. Finally, the wears format clothes: he has a tie he tie this.   Harold Crick is fastidious, methodical and fussy.

Harold et Anna
Mrs Eiffel and her assistant

